You know, everyone is entitled to their own opinions but their not entitled to their own facts. A writer above hit the nail right on the head. Beware all Shasta County Citizens, especially in the Redding PD area. Warning, do not suggest that police union members wear cameras, no matter how many unarmed, mentally challenged men or druggies are killed in custody. Warning, do not speak up against a veteran policeman or force that has no time to come to an attempted kidnapping, by two men in a white pickup at 2 am in the morning, but you can be sure, they will be johnny on the spot when someone who volunteers to help keep his neighborhood safer, when he finally, after 2 years has to protect himself against a known drunk (62 pages of DUI related offenses in Shasta Co). Warning: Do not speak up when one local police agency "investigates" the other, when someone is killed or dies in police custody, and make sure next week that that agency investigates your agency.
Don't , whatever you do, mention a possible conflict of interest may exist. Finally, don't, if you don't want to be financially hurt, speak up against a DA who send his "investigators" to Sutter or Yolo County, was it, to look in on a man beaten to death at the hands of RPD and not even take a phone picture of his ballooned head and face. Last but not least, don't mention, even though you helped to elect the presiding DA, just how sad and heartbroken you are for your fellow citizens and the condition of JUST-US again in Shasta County. EX-DA Benito would be proud Mr. Carlton. PS I did not leave the road to run up on Mr. Haglan lawn our streets have no curbs only gutters. Our senior back directly into our roads making it especially dangerous for them when people come through here doing 3 times the safe speed and texting. Last but not least, Not a drop of pepperspray ever hit Mr. Haglan, it comes out colored, in this case it was white, like paint, very clear the cloud was at least 3 feet from his head. A warning, not to attempt to sucker punch me in one of my 8 Agent Orange vascular surgeries, or spit on me again, or have his legs ran over by my back wheels as I departed. It worked as it was intended. For someone that has been in similar situations maybe 60-70 times in their previous life, I'll be asking my jury to believe me when I tell them, I, and I alone, know a very dangerous man and a dangerous domestic problem exist when someone who's home and neighborhood you've volunteered when asked and watched over for two years while they slept. If you were treated this way, or ever are, something is not making sense....out of the other 5 folks, I've had words with, for the 1,000 I'm personally connected too, all 5 lived in our 7/11 drug houses, we are down to 1 or maybe two with the new one. You can ask my neighbors, if you dare, who is responsible and who can take credit for how it is today, and who was on duty being paid millions ($25 MIllion a year) while it got that way. It didn't happen on my watch.
In the military, we all take an oath, to protect and serve our country against all enemies, foreign and domestic. I never untook that oath. THAT Mr, DA is who I think I am.