34 Minutes Ago
First of all, don't think the Neighborhood Watch ever really stopped in many
areas of Redding, Not in any neighborhood I lived in, for sure. As to being an
ex MP, I myself was, and I'm easily considered one of the Chief's biggest critics.
You have a point, I'm thinking but my guess is the city of Stockton and his
experiences there may have even more to do with his military police tactics.
He thinks they are normal, never have been around these parts. Is far as
the military, you'd find the Military Police a pretty well trained and regulated
body of officers. I know for certain, had I brought a VC in the shape to a
military hospital, that his officers have, dying or dead, I could still be breaking
rocks in Levenworth over it today. Possible is all I'm saying. I came away
from the entire war experience with a very high respect for life. Others didn't
get that same message. Just how it is.
But look at the dummies applauding him and patting him on the back, while
the body-count of dead citizens stack up and the cops continue investigating
the cops. It's like giving him and his force a blank check to continue in that
vein, Setting a very bad prescient in my opinion. I pray he and they prove
me wrong. But to a an aggressive group like what he's built here, to a
hammer every situation resembles a nail. It could get worse fast if left
unnoticed or unchecked.
One thing I noticed and made point on last nights Live stream comment
section. The Chief made a statement regarding he went to Iraq twice
("Where he defended the constitution".) He said "defended" in past tense,
maybe just a slip up or maybe a very telling use of the word. It could have
been harmless or it could be the real deal, in that he may not have
considered it his duty to defend it right here in Redding. From the looks
and the results I'd say there remains a big question mark. That's why,
the more he states, he doesn't want dash cams on his police cars, the
more I want him to have them and cameras on each officer as well.
Damned the cost, we need evidence now, that there is, at the least,
no further unnecessary violence on behalf of certain elements on
his force, or deaths of Redding Citizens on his watch. Bottom Line
One other point, he can say he went to Iraq, "and defended the constitution
if he wants. It's sounded pretty good last night didn't everyone stand up and
clap? But in truth, if he went there twice, sooner or later he should have
figured out that it was actually Standard Oil and Shell he was defending, not
OUR constitution. In fact the entire affair was not a declared war at all, it was
a big money grab started on a lie. Looking at what's going on there today...
well enough on that.
Let me make it clear, cause I still have to drive around in this town myself.
I'm not saying anything criminally has gone on by any member of this
force. In fact the Chief and I were both Ex-MP, Sentry Dog Handlers and
I met the Chief at a City Council meeting right after he was hired. I liked
him from the start and should be his biggest supporter if anyone would be.
I'm just saying there have been too many citizen related incidents lately
that have ended in deaths. These incidents are being investigated by
the Sheriff, they even had reps of the RPD at the autopsy of the last
mentally challenged guy beat to death. He was beat to death, Make no
mistake of that or choked to death or both. When the Sheriff office has
a fatal incident then RPD usually investigates them. This is very wrong
and no evidence is seen by any of the public as far as I know. Ever,
unless there is a suit or civil action. And there are. Without the cameras
we'll never know the truth. It's like turning an army loose on a city and
waiting for the next war victim(s). Let's agree on this and put a stop
to it now._citizenactivist
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