. 96003
530-276-0022 earlallenboek@gmail.com
Earl Allen Boek
Earl Allen Boek shared
a post.
Neighbors in surrounding subdivisions use our neighborhood
to get to theirs. Some of their behaviors are not only unsafe
they can border on reckless. Mr. Michael Haglin living off
Beltline at 4242 White River Court is one of the worst offenders.
to get to theirs. Some of their behaviors are not only unsafe
they can border on reckless. Mr. Michael Haglin living off
Beltline at 4242 White River Court is one of the worst offenders.
For nearly two years now, Mr. Haglin has been offended that
I provide safety patrols for my neighbors and his, at their request.
He refuses to even look at paperwork asking him to join our
Nextdoor App and while under the influence of something, twice
has told me, "he's not going to turn me into the police" or "he'll
personally handle the security on his cul-de-sac. Recently
while I was parked at the intersection of Redwood and White River Dr.
as a reminder to those passing through, to stop at the stop sign,
not drive at unsafe speeds through the streets of our seniors
and widows, and to not text while driving, Mr. Haglin chose to
draw attention to himself, by running the stop sign, spinning the
rear wheels of his truck and fish-tailing through what was a
pretty congested intersection at the time, and flooring the gas
as he raced recklessly toward his home west of Redwood Dr.
I provide safety patrols for my neighbors and his, at their request.
He refuses to even look at paperwork asking him to join our
Nextdoor App and while under the influence of something, twice
has told me, "he's not going to turn me into the police" or "he'll
personally handle the security on his cul-de-sac. Recently
while I was parked at the intersection of Redwood and White River Dr.
as a reminder to those passing through, to stop at the stop sign,
not drive at unsafe speeds through the streets of our seniors
and widows, and to not text while driving, Mr. Haglin chose to
draw attention to himself, by running the stop sign, spinning the
rear wheels of his truck and fish-tailing through what was a
pretty congested intersection at the time, and flooring the gas
as he raced recklessly toward his home west of Redwood Dr.
Knowing that a couple with a Great Dane Dog where about to
emerge onto the other end of White River, from Eagles Nest,
as is their custom, I put on my yellow caution light and attempted
to warn anyone in Mr. Haglin's path. (Note I have two Nextdoor
Neighbors that also witnessed this reckless behavior and will
be providing affidavides to the DA and the court. When I
arrived at Mr. Haglan's Court and made the circle, stopping in
front of his home, (we have slanted gutters) he immeditantly
began screaming that I had parked on his lawn. If my left-front
tire was on any part of his lawn it would have been the edge.
emerge onto the other end of White River, from Eagles Nest,
as is their custom, I put on my yellow caution light and attempted
to warn anyone in Mr. Haglin's path. (Note I have two Nextdoor
Neighbors that also witnessed this reckless behavior and will
be providing affidavides to the DA and the court. When I
arrived at Mr. Haglan's Court and made the circle, stopping in
front of his home, (we have slanted gutters) he immeditantly
began screaming that I had parked on his lawn. If my left-front
tire was on any part of his lawn it would have been the edge.
He begin screaming at me, calling me a MF'er and quickly
advanced on my drivers door in spite of the fact I warned him
not to get that close he ignored my warning until I produced a
can of pepper spray, then he did as I asked and retreated to
his lawn toward the front of my car where he continued to
rant and rave and call me a string of distasteful names.....
advanced on my drivers door in spite of the fact I warned him
not to get that close he ignored my warning until I produced a
can of pepper spray, then he did as I asked and retreated to
his lawn toward the front of my car where he continued to
rant and rave and call me a string of distasteful names.....
Realizing this was the same house and fellow that had given
me trouble before, as 5 others have over the past 2 years,
(all having connections to 5 drug homes and operations)
I felt it was likely he too was taking and or involved in some
similar activities.
me trouble before, as 5 others have over the past 2 years,
(all having connections to 5 drug homes and operations)
I felt it was likely he too was taking and or involved in some
similar activities.
I told him, I knew he had a problem with me, and the volunteeer
patrols I do, but why would he risk the lives of others just to
prove a point to me?
patrols I do, but why would he risk the lives of others just to
prove a point to me?
When it was clear to me that no one was home, in Mr. Haglin's
brain and their would be no meeting of the minds I started to
prepare to leave the premises. Encouraged by my pending
departure, I guess, Mr Haglin increased the tone and was
beginning to act in a threatnening manner. At that point he
also cleared his throat and spit on my drivers window and
my cheek. Being a Agent Orange Vet, my resistance to disease
and/or bacteria is poor, and I felt this assualt warrented a
more agressive defense on my part so I again picked up a
canister of pepper spray and as I moved from the curve, at
an angle that would bring me closer to Mr. Haglan, I felt
the tone and pitch of Mr Haglan was such, coupled with
his motion, that he might intend to sucker puch me as I
drove away and past him, so I fired a short burst of pepper
spray between him and the front end of my car to protect
myself, and to keep him back away from my rear wheels
if he proceeded forward, which until then, I fully expected
him to do.
A Redding Police Officer, with an Agenda, likely union related,
felt I committed a crime and arrested me. I had to post $10,000
bound and now I have to appear in court on a count of Felony
Discharge of Pepperspray. It's all bull shit and is being addressed
as I type this. EAB
brain and their would be no meeting of the minds I started to
prepare to leave the premises. Encouraged by my pending
departure, I guess, Mr Haglin increased the tone and was
beginning to act in a threatnening manner. At that point he
also cleared his throat and spit on my drivers window and
my cheek. Being a Agent Orange Vet, my resistance to disease
and/or bacteria is poor, and I felt this assualt warrented a
more agressive defense on my part so I again picked up a
canister of pepper spray and as I moved from the curve, at
an angle that would bring me closer to Mr. Haglan, I felt
the tone and pitch of Mr Haglan was such, coupled with
his motion, that he might intend to sucker puch me as I
drove away and past him, so I fired a short burst of pepper
spray between him and the front end of my car to protect
myself, and to keep him back away from my rear wheels
if he proceeded forward, which until then, I fully expected
him to do.
A Redding Police Officer, with an Agenda, likely union related,
felt I committed a crime and arrested me. I had to post $10,000
bound and now I have to appear in court on a count of Felony
Discharge of Pepperspray. It's all bull shit and is being addressed
as I type this. EAB
Earl Allen Boek pinned
to a board on Pinterest.
17 hrs ·
17 hrs ·


Joseph Martinez
replied · 40 Replies

Earl Allen Boek
replied · 4 Replies

Earl Allen Boek Same as the guy
that hates me for watching his neighborhood at night while he sleeps, WHY? so
mean, I don't get it there or here.

Josh Hancock Dude is doing a
service for his neighborhood and you are all talking crap? Great job Earl! I
wish more people would take things into their own hands and stop relying on
police who don't give a crap about them.

Ali Jeune replied · 20

Ali Jeune I didn't say anything negative. Just crazy
how they knew he was on vacation. Almost as if they watch him or something.

Earl Allen Boek
replied · 2 Replies

Jeri Sears Dude, you can't
just chase people down and pepper spray them. You aren't a licensed, bonded
security patrol company. Anyone can make a citizen's arrest but it is basically
he-said-he-said without witnesses. AND a citizen's arrest comes with more
liability than you can even imagine. I think you're gonna lose your case.

Jeri Sears
replied · 25 Replies

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Earl Allen Boek
February 9 at 8:07am
Earl Allen Boek shared
a post.
Neighbors in
surrounding subdivisions use our neighborhood
to get to theirs. Some
of their behaviors are not only unsafe
they can border on
reckless. Mr. Michael Haglin living off
Beltline at 4242 White
River Court is one of the worst offenders.
For nearly two years
now, Mr. Haglin has been offended that
I provide safety
patrols for my neighbors and his, at their request.
He refuses to even look
at paperwork asking him to join our
Nextdoor App and while
under the influence of something, twice
has told me, "he's
not going to turn me into the police" or "he'll
personally handle the
security on his cul-de-sac. Recently
while I was parked at
the intersection of Redwood and White River Dr.
as a reminder to those
passing through, to stop at the stop sign,
not drive at unsafe
speeds through the streets of our seniors
and widows, and to not
text while driving, Mr. Haglin chose to
draw attention to
himself, by running the stop sign, spinning the
rear wheels of his
truck and fish-tailing through what was a
pretty congested
intersection at the time, and flooring the gas
as he raced recklessly
toward his home west of Redwood Dr.
Knowing that a couple
with a Great Dane Dog where about to
emerge onto the other
end of White River, from Eagles Nest,
as is their custom, I
put on my yellow caution light and attempted
to warn anyone in Mr.
Haglin's path. (Note I have two Nextdoor
Neighbors that also
witnessed this reckless behavior and will
be providing
affidavides to the DA and the court. When I
arrived at Mr. Haglan's
Court and made the circle, stopping in
front of his home, (we
have slanted gutters) he immeditantly
began screaming that I
had parked on his lawn. If my left-front
tire was on any part of
his lawn it would have been the edge.
He begin screaming at
me, calling me a MF'er and quickly
advanced on my drivers
door in spite of the fact I warned him
not to get that close
he ignored my warning until I produced a
can of pepper spray,
then he did as I asked and retreated to
his lawn toward the
front of my car where he continued to
rant and rave and call
me a string of distasteful names.....
Realizing this was the
same house and fellow that had given
me trouble before, as 5
others have over the past 2 years,
(all having connections
to 5 drug homes and operations)
I felt it was likely he
too was taking and or involved in some
similar activities.
I told him, I knew he
had a problem with me, and the volunteeer
patrols I do, but why
would he risk the lives of others just to
prove a point to me?
When it was clear to me
that no one was home, in Mr. Haglin's
brain and their would
be no meeting of the minds I started to
prepare to leave the
premises. Encouraged by my pending
departure, I guess, Mr
Haglin increased the tone and was
beginning to act in a
threatnening manner. At that point he
also cleared his throat
and spit on my drivers window and
my cheek. Being a Agent
Orange Vet, my resistance to disease
and/or bacteria is
poor, and I felt this assualt warrented a
more agressive defense
on my part so I again picked up a
canister of pepper
spray and as I moved from the curve, at
an angle that would
bring me closer to Mr. Haglan, I felt
the tone and pitch of
Mr Haglan was such, coupled with
his motion, that he
might intend to sucker puch me as I
drove away and past
him, so I fired a short burst of pepper
spray between him and
the front end of my car to protect
myself, and to keep him
back away from my rear wheels
if he proceeded
forward, which until then, I fully expected
him to do.
A Redding Police
Officer, with an Agenda, likely union related,
felt I committed a
crime and arrested me. I had to post $10,000
bound and now I have to
appear in court on a count of Felony
Discharge of
Pepperspray. It's all bull shit and is being addressed
as I type this. EAB
Earl Allen Boek pinned
to a board on Pinterest.
17 hrs ·
Earl Allen Boek's
2 people like this.
Aaron Nunes
Aaron Nunes Lol. Maybe
stay home next time
Unlike · Reply · 3 ·
February 9 at 8:47am
Ali Jeune
Ali Jeune How would
they even know you left on vaca?
Unlike · Reply · 1 ·
February 9 at 9:21am
Jeff Haskins
Jeff Haskins You sound
like a wannabe cop with too much time on your hands. Get a life, Zimmerman.
Like · Reply · 6 ·
February 9 at 9:53am
Joseph Martinez replied
· 40 Replies
Karen Zaballos
Karen Zaballos Earl
Allen Boek, you cannot go on vacation again!
Unlike · Reply · 1 ·
February 9 at 9:54am
Earl Allen Boek
Earl Allen Boek No, but
$1.3 million in a year is...can't do that as a cop can you?
Like · Reply · 1 ·
February 9 at 11:13am · Edited
Earl Allen Boek replied
· 4 Replies
Rita Rose
Rita Rose you all sound
just plain mean. why
Like · Reply · February
9 at 12:48pm
Earl Allen Boek
Earl Allen Boek Same as
the guy that hates me for watching his neighborhood at night while he sleeps,
WHY? so mean, I don't get it there or here.
Like · Reply · 1 ·
February 9 at 12:50pm · Edited
Daniel Spoon
Daniel Spoon You're
seriously going to get somebody shot one of these days
Like · Reply · 6 ·
February 9 at 2:06pm
Rita Rose
Rita Rose you all need
to stop
Like · Reply · February
9 at 4:03pm
Josh Hancock
Josh Hancock Dude is
doing a service for his neighborhood and you are all talking crap? Great job
Earl! I wish more people would take things into their own hands and stop
relying on police who don't give a crap about them.
Unlike · Reply · 4 ·
February 9 at 4:09pm
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