Saturday, July 9, 2016

Believe Me I Do Not Make The Comment I'm About Too Lightly

As someone who once volunteered and spent 10 Months in the
Vietnam theater as a Military Police Sentry Dog Handler,  I am
slower to volunteer anything these days.  Since winning my 10 yr
adventure with the VA regarding the agent orange and the 8 related
surgeries and procedures I've had following that, I now have a pretty
good life-style, with bills paid on time, credit, a home again and
more blessings than any person should be entitled too.  Seems
the statement is true "you can't out-give God"

Why then put my fortunes, future and maybe even my life on the
line for my fellow citizens then, many who have proven to be nothing
but sheep, or sheep in wolf's outfits?  I promised when I was able
to get on that jet home, all in one piece, I'd live for and speak for the
58,233 men and women, killed in Vietnam.  It's a goodness and justice
thing and a small way to pay back to YOU, their sacrifices, for them,
if that makes any sense to you.

So, here goes, my attorney, it seems is being contacted by local
residents and perhaps an attorney or too to tell him of my social
media work and comments and suggest they are hurting my case.
Of course they are. Attempting to shut me up, by members of the
local police union, is also what the entire case is about. or someone that knows him, as that I send
any story tips to him viva he email.  Okay, before I take my attorney's
advice, (someone who pays one what I'm paying, would be a fool,
Not Too.)  Right?  Here's that story TIP, as in The Tip Of An Ice-

When contacting the RRS about the misspelling of my last name on
electronic media and my account there...I receive back a response.

Earl Allen Thanks for reaching
out to us.  We'll get back to you
as soon as possible. If you have
a story tip, please email it to

Sure, I answer, Oh, I have a few,
but local citizens and even maybe
an attorney or two from Redding,
the city, are writing my attorney
in Benica suggesting he muffle
me, regarding my social media and
the actual facts of my up and
coming trial in November,  My
comment to my attorney was, if they
are truly that concerned about me
being arrested, jailed, or being
convicted of a crime they know I
never committed, or the injustice of
someone, "falsely witnessing"
against me (one of 10 original sins
for a reason) why don't they write
local media themselves, or post
on social media, or contact the
powers that be, instead of trying
to put pressure on me, through my
attorney, to shut up between now
and the start of my trial and the
vote of the so-called "safety tax".
Which, after all is what this entire
case is REALLY about?

So here is the hot story TIP requested.
I challenge our Chief, to use his
next community event for the
airing of the video, taken outside
of a local sports retailer, on their
store video equipment, showing I'm
told by the big guy, who a month
later, still sported a black eye over
the beating. I'm told by this local
8 year businessman, that a gang,
kinda like you'd expect, maybe
in a city like Stockton, of RPD
officers, numbering maybe as
many is 8 officers or more beat
this big fellow and then charged
him with 5 felonies wanting to
see him put away for life. The
DA, knowing it maybe hard to
sell it to citizens, just how more
officers, managed, trained and
operating like these, will help
make Redding citizens "safer",
if he can just sell it to them this
time.  Gotta fill that new police
station.  Will it make your
neighborhoods safer?  You?
Unlikely.  Maybe just the opposite
will happen.  Watch the video.

Again, like years ago now, after
calling for a citizens review board
in front of Shasta County Board,
throwing my hat into the ring
the same day our existing Sheriff
did, to get a chance to address
similar actions taken by that agency.

After speaking up against so called
"investigations" the need for cop
cams and the conflict of interest
that certainly exist when one police
agency is able to investigate the
other local agency when similar
beatings (as described by this big
man) ended in the death of what
the RRS allows to be labeled as
druggies, or mental or felones,
and the other labels these agents
leak to the press right after the real
crime, in some cases, are committed.

Now, If the rest of you do your job
I should be able to keep my mouth
shut, take my attorneys advice, until
my day in Court at the Shasta County
Just-Us Center.  Knowing and meeting
John Balma when he was alive, I can
tell you, he's rolling in his grave
knowing his names on the building.

Picture taken by Jam Schultz of The Redding Record Searchlight.  I'll be
down to pay for it's use here on this coming Monday Jim.  thanks

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