The lastest SPEAK YOUR PIECE article found in
your printed paper is NOT showing up on your
electronic version. Since it is a political piece and
promoting the so called "safety" tax issues, can
we assume this was done on purpose, to ward
off any comment? Or just maybe an over-sight?
The writer list many good things these tax measures
will bring the city and county. Sadly, he has a bad
memory, there is not guarentee what-so-ever that
voters would actually get any of the promised
benefits being touted by the promoters of these
measures. However, there is plenty of evidence
that suggest, if these measures were lucky enough
to be passed by voters, those holding the purse
strings will do exactly what they've done in the
past, use these funds as a blank check to help
fund or off-set the funding of pensions funded and
unfunded, pluse the new pensions required if we
actually allow RPD to hire more officers, when a
recent study, costing $155,000 of tax payers
money found, that RPD did not have a officer
shortage when compared to other cities the same
size nationwide, but it did have a scheduling
problem. Evidence about how city management
and councils will react and treat such information
can be found when this first draft of the study
was kept from the public (voters) citizens with
even talk about setting it a fire so it could never
be seen.
Not to mention the funds needed already exist
in the general fund. Sounds just like the South
City Playground, someone has their eyes on
these funds maybe to help acquire them a
piece of citizen owned land to compliment
their private businesses, when they leave office.
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